Tuesday, August 31, 2010

[ENTERTAINMENT-ID] Training : 1. Excellent Service Interaction 2. A Complaint is A Gift [1 Attachment]

[Attachment(s) from Service Leadership included below]

Dear Bapak dan Ibu Praktisi HRD yth,
Berikut kami informasikan agenda pelatihan Publik dan Inhouse Training dari Service Leadership.
Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat bagi perusahaan Bapak dan Ibu
Service Leadership Training
HP 0812.802.8352 / HP 0812.9766.822
Agenda Training Service Leadership

Practical Skills For Customer Service Frontliner
7 Oktober 2010, Apartemen Batavia, Jakarta Pkl.09.00 -17.00 wib
Fasilitator : Sondang P Rumapea, Master Trainer Customer Service 
Di akhir program ini, peserta akan mampu:
  1. Memahami tipe-tipe pelanggan.
  2. Mengidentifikasi ekspektasi pelanggan
  3. Memahami cara menjalin hubungan emosional lewat komunikasi yang efektif baik komunikasi verbal maupun non verbal
  4. Menunjukkan teknik komunikasi prima dalam situasi sulit
* Diskusi interaktif
* Aktifitas permainan
* Role play 
 A. Dasar-Dasar Service
* Definisi service
* Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kepuasan pelanggan
* Pentingnya aspek interaksi manusia dalam menciptakan kepuasan pelanggan.
B. Memahami Pelanggan Anda
* Perbedaan tipe pelanggan
* Perbedaan antara kebutuhan praktis dan kebutuhan emosi
* Perbedaan intentsitas kebutuhan praktis dan emosi pada tiap tipe pelanggan
C. Interaksi Pelayanan
* Aspek-aspek komunikasi non verbal (postur, gestur, kontak mata, ekspresi)
* Bahasa pelayanan :
     * Tidak memerintah
     * Memberikan keyakinan
     * Fokus pada apa yang dapat dilakukan, bukan pada apa yang tidak dapat dilakukan
     * Tidak menyalahkan
    *  Tidak merendahkan diri sendiri dan perusahaan
 D. Menghadapi Situasi Sulit
 * Mindset positif dalam menghadapi komplain
* Teknik menghadapi komplain – HEART
      * Hadapi dengan tenang
      * Empati
      * Ajukan pertanyaan yang tepat
      * Raih kembali kepercayaan pelanggan
      * Tutup dengan positif dan tindaklanjuti



Sondang P Rumapea, SE, MSi
Sondang P. Rumapea  adalah Profesional Trainer khusus untuk materi Training For Trainer, Service Excellence, Communication Skills & MBTI . Sebelumnya Sondang adalah Total Quality & Customer Service Manager Citibank NA. Sebelum bergabung dengan Citibank, Sondang adalah Training Consultant di Service Quality Centre Indonesia ( SQCI) sebuah perusahaan konsultan service afiliasi dari Singapore Airlines selama 5 tahun.
Beberapa perusahaan yang telah mengikuti pelatihan Sondang a.l: Standard Chartered Bank, RBS Bank, ANZ Bank, Bank Mandiri, BCA, Bank Niaga, DBS Bank, BNI, Bank Danamon,BRI, Bank Danaamon,Bank Mega,Bank UOB Buana, Bank ICB Bumiputera, Commonwealth Life, PT Great Eastern Life Indonesia,Asuransi Astra Buana, PT Holcim Indonesia, British American Tobacco, Procon, PT Indomaret, Departemen Keuangan, PT Nokia In Touch, PT Rentokil Indonesia,PT Panarub Industry, PT Otto Pharmaceutical,PT Monex Investindo Futures,PT Dexa Medica, PT Wyeth Indonesia,PT Aplikanusa Lintas Arta, PT Fitness First, High Scope,PT Serasi Auto Raya,The British Institute, Trans7, PT Indofood,  PT Indocater, PT ANJ Finance, PT Asuransi Jiwa Inhealth Indonesia, PT Sanyo Electronic Indonesia,  Senayan City, PT Bridgestone Tire Indonesia,World Vision Indonesia ,PT Wartsila, PT Indosat, PT.Wijaya Karya, AJ Bringin Life, PT. Arnotts Indonesia, Matahari Putra Prima, PAM Batam, Badan Perencanaan dan Pembangunan Daerah (Bappeda) NTT and Medan, Indonesia-Australia Specialized Training Project.
Sondang memperoleh gelar S1 Akuntansi dari Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia dan menyelesaikan program S2 di program Pasca Sarjana Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia.
Early Bird, Pembayaran sebelum tgl 17 September 2010: Rp 900.000
Full fare Rp 1.100.000/peserta
Gratis peserta ke-4 apabila perusahaan mengirimkan 3 peserta
Transfer ke BCA Kelapa Gading, Jakarta
No 6300801704 a.n Tohap P Simanjuntak
Biaya termasuk : materi pelatihan, sertifikat, 2 x coffee break & makan siang serta Hidangan Berbuka Puasa
Informasi & Registrasi
HP 0812 802 83 52 / 0812 976 68 22
"A Complaint is A Gift"
Win Your Customer's Heart and Ensure Repeat Business
Facilitator :
Wardhani Soedjono, A Life-time Service Practitioner
30 September 2010, Menara Penisula Hotel, Jakarta 09.00am-05.00pm 
Register Now : 0812.802.8352 / 0812.9766.822
Why "A Complaint is A Gift"
Organizations can lost many customers when complaints are not handled well, resulting in anger, unnecessary conflicts and even sabotage which can endanger the public image of the organization. While complaints are rarely pleasant, they often carry a positive intention.
A Complaint is a Gift, is a challenging principle that we're going to discuss and celebrate in this seminar.
Wardhani Soedjono, the Indonesia's acknowledged service practitioner  will take you on a journey to once again see the gift behind a complain, the gift in our selves and the gift of finding success in handling complaints
Training Objectives
 At the end of this training, you will gain the following:
• Knowledge of understanding your customers
• Knowledge of why customers complain
• Understanding of techniques to prioritize complaints
• Understanding of how to offer service recovery
Training Outline
Why Customers Complain?
• 3 Most Reasons Why Customers Complain
• The Customer Complaint Iceberg
• 4 Ladders of Dissatisfied Customers
• What will You Do When Customers Complain
• Discouraging Customers to Complain
• Kissing a Customer Goodbye
• The Secret of Service
Understanding Your Customers
• 5 Types of Complainer
• Dealing With Difficult Customer
• What Attitude is Required
• 5 Tips For Dealing with Angry Customers
• Handle Your Self First
 The Famous 11 Steps Responding to Customer Complaints
• The Need of Feedback System
• 4 Steps Complaint Management Process
• Prioritizing Complaints – Probability : Remote, Uncommon,Occasional, Frequent
• Prioritizing Complaints – Severity : Minor, Moderate, Major, Catastrophic
• The Resolution Matrix
• Chronology Report of a Complaint
Effective Complaint Management
• Considering a Refund or Compensation
• Service Guarantee
• Guarantee Does Not Work, when…..
• Lesson Learned
• Service Recovery
Wardhani Soedjono
A Life-time Service Practitioner
  • President Director of PT VADS Indonesia
  • Former Vice President, Service Delivery and Contact Management, P.T. Excelcomindo Pratama, Tbk.
  • Has an in-depth experience in service industry and service leadership as a practitioner (30 years of working experience in various multinational companies).
  • Has been a public speaker and facilitator in various subjects, e.g. Service Excellence, Customer Satisfaction, Direct Marketing, Malcolm Baldrige Quality Program, Contact Center Management, Competency Based Human Resource Management, etc.
  • Certification: IBM's Quality Assessor and Benchmarking Coordinator (1993); COPC Registered Coordinator (2005).
Comments From Previous Training Participants
* It fits our company needs. Every single part of the chapter is detail. Mrs Soedjono's approach is nice and inspiring. She delivered the materials in a fun but easy to absorp way. Thank you very much.-  Koko DN, Sodexo
* Vey good contents and very interesting. Will be very useful to improve our work and service delivery.-  Atty Soler, International SOS
* Good and cover all matters related to complaints. I got more knowledge regarding complaint things. The Instructor was Attractive, Experienced, Communicative, Fun! - Thelma Rn Tambunan, Satnetcom Balikpapan 
* 100% useful for handling customer complaints! Two thums up for Ibu Dani ! - Mutiara DR, Sodexo
* Sangat dimengerti, mudah dipahami, lengkap. - Angel, Kompas.com
* Lengkap dengan penjelasan yang mudah dimengerti - M Fasluki Riadin, Bank OCBC NISP,Tbk
* Instrukur menjelaskan materi sangat baik dan mudah dimengerti.- Olyvia, Manulife Indonesia 
* Pengalaman Ibu Dani dan sharing beliau sangat memotivasi saya untuk melayani customer lebih baik. Thanks Bu, - Nina Cometa, BNI Card Center 
Previous Company Participants:

Bank Permata, BNI Card Center, Bank DKI, Bank Danamon, PT Bank OCBC NISP,PT Excelcomindo Pratama, PT BFI Finance,SOS Medica Clinic, RSIA Hermina Podomoro, PT Manulife Indonesia, PT Sushi Tei Indonesia, PT Hitamarga Tirta ( Hermes Boutique), Sabic Asia Pac...
ific Pte, Ltd, PT Citra Cita Lestari, PT Tirta Investama, PT Express Transindo Utama,PT Agroindo Beatlenut Center,PT Asuransi Nipponkoa,PT BPR Darmawan Adhiguna Lestari,PT Indosat,PT Java Motor,PT Kompas Cyber Media,PT Satnetcom Balikpapan,PT Sodexo Indonesia,RS Dewi Sri,Selera Bakmi
Rp. 1.700.000,-/person
Early Bird Rp 1.500.000 /person for payment received before 25 Agustus 2010
(Includes: meals, seminar materials and certificate)
10% of Group Discount for more than 3 delegates from the same company.
Bank Transfer:
BCA Kelapa Gading
No 6300801704 Tohap P Simanjuntak
Mobile . 0812.9766.822 / 0812.802.8352
Fax. 021-79184127
Formulir Registrasi 
2 September 2010 Apartemen Batavia, Jakarta  Pkl. 09.00-17.00 wib
30 September 2010, Menara Peninsula Hotel, Jakarta Pkl.09.00 -17.00 wib
Nama :_________________________ Jabatan:___________________
Nama :_________________________ Jabatan:___________________
Nama :_________________________ Jabatan:___________________
Nama :_________________________ Jabatan:___________________
Nama :_________________________ Jabatan:___________________
Perusahaan : _____________________
Alamat :________________________
Telp : __________________
Fax :____________________
Contact Person : ____________________
HP :___________________
Email :__________________


Attachment(s) from Service Leadership

1 of 1 File(s)

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