Wednesday, September 1, 2010

[frozen-assets] File - Abbreviations Lingo TLA.txt


TLA's and other Confusing Terms.

What is a TLA? Three letter acronym. Think IBM, ATT, NBI... (
actually NBI does not stand for anything anymore, but it used to .. )

Here are some of these:

ABM ~ Automatic Bread Machine

ADMIN ~ a relatively important message from your list owner or
moderators. We
use them to comunicate list changes, Yahoo glitches, and to stop
( messages ) that have gotten out of hand.

B1G1F/BOFOF ~ Buy One Get One Free. Grocery store promotion

C/P ~ Crockpot ( a trademark of Rival ) or any other type of slow
cooker. This abreviation is sometimes used in recipe titles. Also,
CP ( no slash ).

FAQ ~ Frequently Asked Questions (an informational post answering
common questions on a topic).

Flame ~ An angry message directed at another person or people.

ISO ~ In Search Of

LOL ~ Laughing out loud. Lots of variations ROTFL is rolling on the
floor laughing, and is usually acompanied by MAO or PIMP, the meaning
of which is left to be deduced by the reader.

MC ~ Master Cook ~ Master Cook is recipe management software program
originally by Sierra, now produced by ValuSoft.

OAMC ~ Once a month cooking ~ the term comes from the book "Once A
Month Cooking" by Mimi Wilson and Mary Beth Lagerborg

OT ~ off topic.

REC ~ The post includes a recipe

Spam ~ Bulk email or Usenet posts that are massively crossposted or
multi-posted. Some people call any out-of-place commercial post or
email "spam."

TNT ~ Tried and True

TVP/TSP ~ Textured Vegetable Protein/Texturized Soy Protein

Troll ~ An insincere message, posted in hopes of upsetting people,
inciting arguments, and stirring up trouble.

WW ~ Weight Watchers. "points" on many recipes refer to the number of
Weight Watcher points on the recipe, per serving. These relate to the
WW 1,2,3, success program.

XPOST ~ Cross post. Posted to more than one mailing list or newsgroup
at a time

Other common Internet Acronyms


BIL Brother-In-Law
DCP Day Care Provider
DD Dear Daughter
DS Dear Son
DH Dear Husband
DW Dear Wife
FIL Father-In-Law
MIL Mother-In-Law
SAH Stay at Home
SIL Sister-In-Law
SO Significant Other
WAH Work At Home


AFAIK As Far As I Know
BTDT Been There, Done That
BTW By The Way
FWIW For What It's Worth
FYI For Your Information
<G> Grin also <BG> big grin & <VBG> very big grin
HTH Hope This Helps
IIRC If I Recall Correctly
IMHO In My Humble (or Honest) Opinion
NAYY Not Associated, Yadda, Yadda ( disclaimer )
OTOH On The Other Hand
TIA Thanks In Advance
TTFN Ta Ta For Now
TTYL Talk To You Later
TANSTAAFL There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch
XP Cross Post
YMMV Your Mileage May Vary (i.e. every family is different and
what worked for me may not work for you)

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