Monday, March 14, 2011

[frozen-assets] Re: Freezer Cooking Classes


I would teach both making a main dish that can be frozen for family meals and making personal sized "TV Dinners" in containers convenient for lunches that can be microwaved in a few minutes.

If meat is on sale, show how they can save bundles by buying it now and precooking at least some of it for easy meals later. I actually bought 10 lbs of chicken once (whole fryers) for $0.59/lb. I used the stock from cooking all of the chicken up with my meal plan for the next month, and the chicken was in 1/2 lb packets in the freezer and was used for simple, quick dinner ideas for dinners at the last minute and for my upcoming freezer cooking. It lasted us months! It saved a ton of money and a ton of time later. I did the same with ground beef a while ago - cooked up 10 lbs worth all at once then portioned out into packs for tacos, sloppy joes, etc. and it lasted so long! I love this part of freezer cooking because meat can be the most expensive part of feeding a family!

Also, I would have a dessert that is frozen at the beginning of the class and reheated to ooey-gooey goodness for everyone to sample. There's nothing like having your mouth water to make you pay attention and get excited!

Finally, bring recipes that people can take with them with the instructions for getting it premade, then heating up the meal later. If you choose to do the dessert thing, be sure to have the recipe included as well.

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