Thursday, June 30, 2011

[frozen-assets] Re: What Happened????? and freezer cooking for elderly.


yep, I am still here, and you are quite right, I am an empty nester now (have a six year old grandson!). However, I am getting back into freezer meals due to the fact that I am going to have to start making individual meals for my mother. Ah, the "sandwich generation"!

I am thinking that I am going to be using muffin tins to portion out the foods and freeze each menu item separately so as to give Mom some control of what she eats with what. Anyone have other ideas?

Linda Stolz

--- In, Jennifer <itsjenspc@...> wrote:
> Hi, Jes.  I think its a combination of things.  Some of the regular posters either don't do as much active batch or OAM cooking or have moved on (Linda, Bethel, Andrea to name a few).  I know Linda is still around helping out behind the scenes (thanks list Auntie!) but I think she's an empty nester now and not so much in need of the bulk.
> Also, Facebook seems to have really impacted the Yahoo! groups.  Since I'm not a Facebook-er, I'm left here :)
> Jennifer LV
> --- On Wed, 6/22/11, SNIGLET98@... <SNIGLET98@...> wrote:
> From: SNIGLET98@... <SNIGLET98@...>
> Subject: [frozen-assets] What Happened?????
> To:
> Date: Wednesday, June 22, 2011, 6:02 AM
> This group used to be so active and now it's almost dead. I miss the busy activity.
> Jes
> Queens, NY
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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