Tuesday, July 12, 2011

[ FFA ] ||||| This is Attitude |||||


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This is Attitude
1) Heavy rains remind us of challenges in life.
Never ask for a lighter rain.
Just pray for a better umbrella.
2) When flood comes, fish eat ants & when flood recedes,
ants eat fish.Only time matters. Just hold on,
God gives opportunity to everyone!
3) Life is not about finding the right person,
but creating the right relationship, it is not how we care in the beginning, but how much we care till the ending.
4) Some people always throw stones in your path.
It depends on you what you make with them, Wall or Bridge? Remember you are the architect of your life.
5) Every problem has (n+1) solutions, where n is the number of solutions that you have tried and
1 is that you have not tried. That's life.
6) It is not important to hold all the good cards in life.
But it is important how well you play with the cards which you hold.
7) Often when we lose all hope & think this is the end,
God smiles from above and says,'Relax dear, it is just a bend. Not the end. Have Faith and have a successful life.
8) When you feel sad, to cheer up, just go to the mirror and say, 'Damn I am really so cute' and you will overcome your sadness.
But don't make this a habit because liars go to hell.
9) One of the basic differences between God and human is, God gives, gives and forgives. But human gets,
gets, gets and forgets. Be thankful in life!
10) Only two types of persons are happy in this world.
1st is Mad and 2nd is Child.
Be Mad to achieve what you desire and be a Child to enjoy what you have achieved!   

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