Thursday, July 7, 2011

[frozen-assets] Re: Corn on the cob


I usually get a very large pot of water to boiling while DH starts shucking the corn. We then get as much of the silk off as possible and put the corn in the boiling water. After the water comes back to a boil, I let it cook for about five minutes until the milk has set in the kernal. The corn is then plunged into a pan of cold water to cool quickly.

When the corn is cooled, we cut it off the cobs and put it in freezer bags. The size depends on whether we are freezing it for just the two of us or for a company meal. Be sure to squeeze out as much air as possible and freeze flat; or put it in vacuum bags. If I'm using vacuum bags, I fill the bags, flod down the top, and put a clothespin on top to hold it shut; it is then frozen overnight. The next day, I take the sealer machine to the freezer and vacuum the bags shut, sort of pounding the corn flat in the bag as it sucks out the air. The flat bags stack better in the freezer.


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