Saturday, July 30, 2011

Re: [frozen-assets] freezing brownies and cookies


I think your brownies would freeze just fine. Are you thinking of
wrapping individual pieces? That is what I do with a rich chocolate cake we bake
that is kind of a brownie consistency. I wrap each piece in plastic wrap
and then put the pieces in a plastic bag so I can take out a piece at a
time. You could do the same with cookies but maybe wrap several with plastic
wrap and put them in a plastic ziploc type of bag. I do this with nut
breads too. Double wrapping helps items keep better in the freezer.


In a message dated 7/30/2011 1:52:58 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

I am new to this. My son, who for the last several years, has been the cook
in the family (by choice), is going away to college. Now there is just my
mom and I left. I will be doing all the cooking from now on, so I am so
glad to get back to this group. I have a question to get me started :)

Can you freeze cookies and brownies? I know I can cookie dough, but I
don't want to use the oven every time mom or I want a cookie, and since we are
both diabetic, it would be best if there was not a full batch sitting on
the counter going bad. :) How best? Aluminum foil, ziplock bags, something

Thanks! Virg

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