Sunday, July 10, 2011

Re: [frozen-assets] Freezing shredded zucchini - a different use for it


will try the fruit leather!

I toss my frozen shredded zuchini with an egg and seasoning then bend in enough bisquick to make a batter. Fry tablespoon blobs in an inch of oil for fritters. serve with sour cream!



I also shred and freeze in 2 cup portions, but I use it for fruit leather.
Just mix it 50/50 (I like it with strawberries). Nobody can tell it's in
there and the texture is perfect. I just use the recipe that came with my

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On Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 11:30 AM, WAC < > wrote:

> Yes. I shred and then freeze in 2-cup amounts because that is the amount
> my recipes call for. Just dump it into the batter frozen. If you do thaw
> it first, don't drain it before using it; dump zucchini and liquid both into
> the batter.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Lisa Garrison-Ragsdale < >
> I have some large zucchini that I do not anticipate using in the
> next week. Would shredding it and then freezing it (in a freezer bag) work
> for future use in zucchini bread?
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