Saturday, July 9, 2011

Re: [frozen-assets] Re: Corn on the cob


If I freeze corn on the cob and use my vac sealer, what steps do I take to prepare for eating? immediately dunk in boiling water? Thaw overnite?

I would think if I leave it whole we will eat it that way, because I would bag loose ( flash frozen) kernals for cooking/ soups.

Thank you all for sharing your wisdom! I have a new ( used) upright freezer in addtion to a typical above fridge as well as a side by side freezer to utilize / fill before winter!!



I've always heard it's best to blanch corn on the cob before freezing it. But my family has always just shucked it, stuck it in ziploc bags, and stacked all the bags in our big freezer... and it still turns out very yummy! :)

Oh, and if you've never had corn cut off the cob (before cooking), we freeze this without blanching it, too (cook it with a little salt, pepper, & butter or bacon grease, and it is sooo good!)...


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