Sunday, August 7, 2011

[frozen-assets] To-Die-For Roast Beef


To-Die-For Roast Beef
3# roast beef, all visible fat removed
1 envelope dry Italian salad dressing mix
1 envelope dry ranch dressing mix
1 envelope dry brown gravy mix
1/2 C. water
Place roast in slow cooker.
Combine water and the 3 mixes. Pour over roast.
Cook on high for 4 hours or low for 8 hours.
Serve in sandwiches or over rice, mashed potatoes, or noodles/pasta.
My Notes: I use a bigger roast at least 6#. This usually means 2 smaller roasts because the larger ones are not readily available unless I want to wait for the butcher to cut it. And I'll usually end up cutting it in 2 or 3 pieces to get it in the pot, so I just pick 2 smaller roasts out of the case. I also use a lot more water - 2-3 cups - because we like the extra gravy. If you use the smaller size roast, you may want to only use 1/2 of each envelope. If you use the full amount, you may find it to be too salty.
To freeze: Divide meat into serving portions and place in sandwich size zipper bags. Divide broth among bags. Zip closed, removing air as you do. Place on baking sheets to freeze. When solid, place in large freezer Ziploc, label, and return to freezer.

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