Monday, August 15, 2011

RE: [PPCUniverse] spam filters+Android


I said to many of my friends when Android was announced that it would be the future of Smartphones.

Now I see it as the future of computing. Stable versions of Linux have been around for years.

But the general public has avoided it like the plague. Mostly because it was different, unfamiliar and free.

I added the free part because without money driving something as big as an OS, people buy what their sold.

But because Android is bringing the Linux kernel into everyone's home, it's now familiar.

I see Android desktops, notebooks and tablets filling the electronic landscape of the future.

Linux….or I should say  Android, is scary and unfamiliar no more.


P.S. Ben, nice pic of you and your girl on the Outlook Facebook connector.




From: [] On Behalf Of Debbie
Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2011 9:06 PM
Subject: Re: [PPCUniverse] spam filters



Android group would be great. 







On Aug 11, 2011, at 9:35 AM, "Benjamin Crist" <> wrote:


Strange that spam go through, though Andy's message I had to approve.

This group is still around, though since I bought a Droid 1 phone a couple years ago I am not really using my Pocket PC, it is in a drawer collecting dust. Anyone interested in buying it? Make an offer...

Anyone interested at this point in my changing this to an Android group? Might have to change the name of course, but we would keep the membership, though I don't know how many people still have this setup to still send them email or check it.


Moderator / Group Owner

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