Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Re: Fw: [frozen-assets] Crockpot Freezer Meals


Hi, I think I have posted on this before, so sorry if I am repeating but I do this with many dishes and asked about 6 months ago what others were doing. I really hope to see more of this, successes and failures both! My goal is to have dished that can be put frozen solid into the crock in the morning and cook all day, or half day if I'm home.

So far, this is what worked and did not work. BTW, I bought plastic containers the size of my crock pots for this, so they fit frozen. Just soak a few minutes in hot water to loosen them from the plastic.

Anyway, what works:
chicken curry
lasagna (use less liquid, as nothing cooks out and it can be wet)
sp. sauce
meatloaf (frozen raw)
chicken broccoli (from OAMC orig. book by Lagerborg and Wilson)
whole fryers with seasoning

What did NOT work:
Asian chicken dish with ramen (ramen got mushy, chinese is best fresh)
anything chinese (see above)

The trick is to not cook it too long, but long enough and hot enough to kill bacteria, esp. on those whole fryers.

More later as I keep taking stuff out and trying it.

PLEASE, post what is working for you using this method, its so convenient!

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