Monday, June 27, 2011

[frozen-assets] Questions on Lunch Ideas - Freezing, Reheating, Etc.


I want to make some meals, that I can reheat in the microwave (at work) for lunch. I would also use some of this if I need a quick dinner… or if I am on my own and only need a single serving of something… similar to a TV dinner or frozen dinner from the store… only healthier, and I'd have more control over exactly what I'm eating…

I know I can always bring leftovers, or salads, sandwiches, etc. But I'd like some other suggestions, as well.

I was thinking about things like rice bowls (with rice, chicken, veggies, etc). If I make all the parts ahead of time (cook the chicken and rice, veggies if necessary, etc) and freeze. Then just thaw and reheat at lunch – will it turn out OK? Or do I need to undercook so that reheating doesn't overcook it? Any suggestions for recipes or cooking instructions on these? What sauces to use?

I was also thinking about beans and rice – any particular suggestions how to do this? I'd like to get into using dried beans (as opposed to canned) but only if I can find ways to keep them (in the freezer?) and use them in various dishes after that…

Also, similar situation with meatloaf. I was thinking of making some mini meatloaves … but will they overcook if reheated? If so, by how much do I undercook to begin with? And then how much to heat up when it comes time to eat?

I am very much a novice when it comes to cooking – I pretty much don't (although I need to get better about making dinner for DH, myself and my 5 year old son)… so any and all suggestions, tips, etc are greatly appreciated – nothing is too basic for me :)

I am also trying to stay away from wheat – so that limits things like pasta and sandwiches…

I appreciate any help you can give.



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