Monday, June 27, 2011

[frozen-assets] Re: Hints for using vacuum sealer bags


I have had one of these devices for the past few years and love mine. the other day I purchased a 20-lb. box of blueberries and put most of them in sealer bags for the freezer. What I did was first rinse and pick over the berries for twigs, bad ones, etc. I then measured out four cups of berries for each bag. When I filled the bags, I then folded down the top and clipped it with a clothes pin. The bags then went into the freezer until the berries were frozen.

The next day I took my sealer down to the freezer and sealed the bags. Before I placed the top into the sealer, I flattened out the frozen berries and held them flat as the air was sucked out of the bag. That way the bags can be stacked flat in the freezer and take up much less space. When they are removed from the freezer, there won't just be a big hunk of berries. 8-)

I have followed this method for freezing other fruits and veggies. It is nice to take the foods out of the freezer and not have to worry about freezer burn.


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