Saturday, July 9, 2011

[frozen-assets] Hello from a long ago member


I emailed this the other day and tonight discovered the message in my Gamil Spam file. So here's another try directly posted to the news group.


I took a long break from freezer cooking but with the price of everything g=oing up...I decided to tuck away some food for a rainy day. I'm sure the prices will continue to rise, I lived through the 1980s brouhaha, and until things get squared away I have my freezer.

This week I've trying out some of the older freezer recipes, who's cookbook=
I will not mention, as the recipes weren't all that tasty. They were not Frozen Assets recipes but some other source.

Today, I put my adult children to work rolling chicken nuggets in Ranch salad dressing then in Panko crumbs to make chicken nuggets. The recipe was less than tasty. The next time I might toss in some Montreal Chicken seasoning or something to improve the flavor. Have any ideas? I also made up a couple batches of freezer barbecue chicken, some chocolate crumb cake muffins and made up some white sauce to use tomorrow.

Tomorrow I plan to make up some pork chop recipes. Purchased a pork loin and I will cut the chops up from that.

Last week I froze up a couple batches of Chicken Taco Rice, another not-so-good recipe, but we'll eat it as "waste not want not". I also made up a couple batches of freezer mac & cheese. This turned out really good. Tomorrow I may make some more.

On the home front I am a retired journalist who has recently self-published a small baking Kindle cookbook at Amazon. Waiting to see how sales go. I've never published a book before so this should be interesting.

I've been married to the same guy for over 30 years and we have two adult children. We are also owned by two cats.

When not at Yahoo, I like to participate in various wikis where I write and edit.

I also paint Reborn Dolls as a hobby and enjoy the online fellowship of my doll loving friends.

It's nice to be back and I hope to learn some new ideas from my fellow freezer friends.


Recent Activity:
      Tupperware(R) Online Catalog
Same great products - online convenience!
Official "Frozen Assets" Home Page

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