Monday, August 15, 2011

Fw: [frozen-assets] Italian Roast Beef


I do use my pressure cooker for roasts and they come out very tender.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Wwitch" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, August 14, 2011 6:40 AM
Subject: Re: [frozen-assets] Italian Roast Beef

I have a question for the group. I have been a member for about 5-6 yr's &
use my crock pot, & pressure a lot for meat.

Now my question is why don't more people use the pressure cooker for their
They are so tender this way & u just put the seasonings that u want right in
there & it is cooked in. Mine just fall apart! I usually put onions on
bottom then roast (we like beef) then put garlic, Worcestershire sauce,
carrots & potatoes. Yummy!
I use my crock pot when I want to start something in the morning & have it
for supper or will be gone & want my meal done when I get home.
What say all of you, oven, crock pot, or pressure cooker?
By the way I collect cookbooks & have about 3 bookcases full! On line I have
NYC - my favorite of course & I also have Mastercook.

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