Monday, September 12, 2011

[frozen-assets] Re: where do you get recipes?


Near the top of each email from this group list is a link to "Visit Your Group" and that is where you
will find the Group archive of many recipes, hints, and tips. You can also do a search on this group
for specific recipes or topics.
An easy way to find freezable recipes is to Google search "oamc" for Once A Month Cooking. There
are blogs, recipe sites, web sites and tons of information on this topic. Besides this group, I like Kim
Tilley's cooking plans at Frugal Moms. Other blogs are Freeze Happy! and Cooking During Stolen
Moments. I too find the Make a Mix books very helpful. Even though I am mostly cooking for one
these days, I still like to have dinner options in the freezer such as meatballs, cooked ground beef,
taco beef, soups, etc. in the freezer to have fast, easy-fix dinners.

Teresa C. Rouzer
Burlington, North Carolina

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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