Monday, October 3, 2011

Re: [frozen-assets] Freezing 'browned' (not cooked) meat


You are correct and the USDA advises against it. I know a lot of people figure it doesn't matter because they are going to freeze the meat as soon as they brown it but they don't stop to consider how long that meat is going to sit in the danger zone (40-140 degrees) when the crockpot is bringing the food up to cooking temperature.
Actually I know that a lot of crockpot manufacturers recommend against putting frozen foods in the crockpot and some simply warn against putting frozen meat in them.
Here's the USDA link and the passage I'm referring to:
Is it safe to partially cook ground beef to use later?
No. Partial cooking of food ahead of time allows harmful bacteria to survive and multiply to the point that subsequent cooking cannot destroy them.

----- Original Message -----
From: Sarah L
As far as I know that is NOT safe.  I believe if you're going to brown meat
you are supposed to cook it thoroughly to kill any bacteria before freezing.

From: Jan

I have some crockpot recipes that call for the meat to be browned first.  I
would like to try making 'meal kits' for these recipes, where I prepare
and freeze to be cooked later.

My question is:  Is it safe to brown (but not cook) the meat and then freeze it
with the rest of the ingredients?

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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