Do not know if they have this option in all freezers but my freezer has a
top section which I can freeze items in more quickly than in the other parts
of the freezer.
I usually keep this section clear of all items and only use it for trays of
food which I wont to freeze quickly. I lay the pat dried foods out so they
are either not touching each other or only just touching and freeze for 30
to 45 minutes then bag and freeze as usual.
Well that is how I do it, most items are usually partially frozen by this
time (enough that I can bag them up with out them sticking to each other and
allowing me to remove portions when I need to) Flash freezing is just a term
used where I live to indicate that you are freezing it quickly, does
necessarily mean that it is frozen solid.
On Sun, Mar 6, 2011 at 1:22 AM, meggiesmom6238 <>wrote:
> I have never flash frozen anything. How is it done? Help please.
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